Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Daily Food Log: 2


Disclaimer: I came back to the top after already beginning this post to type this quick message: I hope anyone that follows this blog is somewhat entertained by my ramblings. I don't want this to be ALL business, so I'll add some filler to keep it interesting. Because that's just how I always end up writing, and hopefully it's not just all a bunch of BS!

Today I had a fairly rushed morning with some business to take care of as soon as I woke up. Had to check e-mail, make some phone calls, all of that fun stuff so I was a bit behind.

Ate my regular 4 eggs for the morning. Skipped the protein shake again this morning. Yesterday was a bit disappointing, but I'd say worth it. When I got home, I felt a little tired and had been reading previously a reddit post about people's sleeping habits. Lots of people talking about napping after work, so I was inclined to do the same. When I got home, I pulled up Netflix in hopes of finding something I could relax and nap to for a bit.

That was a mistake, because I found one of the most amazing movies I've ever seen, and had to sit and watch through the whole damn thing. My sister previously had shown me Stupid, Crazy, Love. The Netflix review that I saw for Drive (the movie I watched) described Ryan Gosling as being the next Robert DeNiro, and I'm strongly inclined to agree. He is AMAZING. For being a romance flick Stupid, Crazy, Love was great and entertaining. Ryan is a true inspiration, he's an amazing actor and I've got to admit for a straight guy his body certainly gives us all something to constantly be in search of (at least that relates back to this blog, so this is not a complete tangent!)

The story seems like it would be pretty cut/dry. Now he must choose his roles amazingly well but both movies had standard storylines that were brought to life by incredible writing, directing, and acting. I didn't notice one lapse in detail, and this was a full-blown action movie that I was not expecting. With my favorite movie aspect (mob elements), a great actor, and a gripping story I thoroughly enjoyed it.

END OF MY DIGRESSION. Anywho, this pretty much all lead to me being rushed last night for dinner and by the time everything was done grilling it was already 10. Now I'm also in a crossroads of major planning decisions, as I really am deep down a night-person. But, I'm kinda seeing how a transition towards morning would go.

My ideal plan would be to get up at 7, whip up a quick breakfast, hit the gym, come back and shower, prepare lunch, take supplements and a protein shake then head out the door to work. Up until now, I had pretty much reversed that going to the gym at 9-10 PM (the earliest times my gym dies down enough that I feel like I can comfortably access all the equipment I would like to) and waking up at 8:30 or 9.

Hopefully as I define my proper nutrient levels getting up in the morning is easier, but I have extreme difficulty getting to sleep anytime unless I'm explicitly tired. It's why going to the gym often set me well, as I could come home, play some quick games or watch a couple shows and be ready to pass out.

My bed keeps me in its confines in the wee mornings of the hours. I've enjoyed waking up at 8, but I still need to work on that last transition to getting up earlier enough to hit the gym. If I had to be at work an hour earlier or later, it would make this decision a lot easier but having to be there at 10 really limits my choices and it's a drastic lifestyle change for either one to at least keep up with it.

So I failed to get to the gym. To be honest though, I don't always beat myself up over missing the first couple days of the week (though it's no excuse) because at my gym Mondays are a living HELL for some reason. Most times when I go in, there's maybe 20-30 people and I can get to every machine. I went on a Monday once and barely got a treadmill. Never again, I tell myself, unless it's like 10-11 PM. 9 PM is the ideal time any other day of the week, unless of course I could be up at 7.

ANYWAYS! Continuing on to today's lunch. I'm going to try to start getting some pictures for reference, but descriptions will have to do for now. It's not like my presentation is anything fancy (ziplocs and tupperware!). So the Oscar Meyer all natural lunch meats I got are very tasty. I had a roast beef one, and turkey. Turkey was today's choice, 12 slices and 3 pieces of 2% Swiss cheese. Then threw in some carrots, and my favored red grapes (though they're seeded -- minor inconvenience for the quality of the grapes, and price!).

That was it for today. I went a little heaver on the meat today than yesterday, but this is the amount I generally do. It's more than I would put on a sandwich, but I'm also removing carbs from the situation and trying to keep to lots of proteins and produce.

And in keeping with that, tonight I made a pretty awesome dish. Tamale Pie was on the menu for tonight, and I had to grab a few things for it. Hit up the Whole Foods next to work (which I try to rarely do), and picked up an organic bell pepper, an onion, some coconut flour (I see a lot of evidence it's far superior to almond flour), some spices, and the most important as far as paleo goes was their meat counter offers grass-fed beef. It's not 100% grass-fed, but it's at least 90% and very affordable at $5/lb. The full grass-fed is double that. I will go over the details of what that means on a post another day, if you aren't sure! No carbs, lots of flavor and vegetables. I'm quite happy with it! Supposedly it's also really good in the morning with some eggs, so that's probably what I'll plan on doing with leftovers for the next little while.

Now I'm gonna go hit the gym. See you around!


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