Tuesday, June 26, 2012

First of my daily logs


Wish I had more exotic food experiences
My first little foray into my food life. I wanted to document what I have done so far today as far as feeding myself goes, and hope to have this a very frequent section I can put out.

Today, I started with my Omega3 enriched eggs, like I do every morning. Generally I eat 4, this weekend I made some Swedish pancakes (they were amazing), and had an odd amount of eggs. I had 5 left, so I just ate all of them today. Also, as I always do, I cooked the eggs scrambled without any added salt or anything like that. Topped it with a little Heins Simple ketchup, which I've been enjoying. I hope I'm not being lied to, but so far this ketchup seems to be the real deal on SIMPLE food. Tomato, vinegar, real sugar, and some spices. Shouldn't be anything more added.

 Skipped the protein shake because I was really lazy this weekend (enthralled with a new video game), and didn't want to add extra nutrients/calories I felt I didn't really need. Took my vitamin and an Omega 3.

Yesterday night I got an energy kick after completing my weekend gaming marathon (little disgusted with myself, but I feel it was worth it). I was planning on going to the gym, but it was already almost 10 and I really needed to get eggs for breakfast and stuff for lunches this week, so I decided to go get some groceries.

Before I left I found inspiration to check out some lunch ideas to get a little more creative. Up until now, I had basically been sticking to celery sticks with peanut butter, some lunch meat and a couple slices of cheese, and some fruit. I would generally eat half of the celery I brought as a snack around 12. I ate pretty much that same thing varying the fruit I would take for a few weeks.

Celery everyday was getting a litle boring...
It was satisfying and enjoyable (I'm a complete sucker for peanut butter), but I felt it was time to develop a bit more and introduce some more complex elements. Found a blog promoting her daughter's paleo lunch trays she would take to school. Some very good ideas, I'll be revealing them throughout the week.

Today, I bust out some baby bell peppers, cut up an apple (with a side of almond butter), a few turkey meat slices (found Oscar Meyer all natural, no preservative meats), and a couple 2% swiss cheese slices. I also saw my grocery store had one of my favorite things ever, a sale on red grapes for $.99/lb! I excitedly snagged a bag, and threw a few in today's lunch.

A very varied, light, and colorful lunch! It all tasted great, left me feeling full.

Tonight I also found a new recipe to try out. Not necessarily healthy, but it was a simple honey mustard chicken recipe. I whipped up some sweet potatoes that I grilled with the chicken. They were basted with a vinegar/olive oil base with a bunch of different spices. Pretty good! I'm going to work a lot more on incorporation sweet potatoes into my diet. They're so fibrous and tasty!

Off to tomorrow!


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